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BRS CF80 Filtration

BRS CF80 Filtration

Regular price $342.00 USD
Regular price $396.00 USD Sale price $342.00 USD
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Kit type

Fine particle filter + gas; Combo HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Cartridge (250g).

The inlet and outlet flows are oriented on the upper part of the chamber, helping to protect the printing area from turbulence.

-Sunon 80x38mm fan 2x supplied

-CF80 cartridge filled + Hepa supplied

- DC Jack wiring installed

-Soundproofing/Fiber thermal insulation installed


Filter Lifespan: 12/24 Month

 VCORE 3.1 Compatible


Données externes après 2h de fonctionnement chambre fermée (ABS):

-PM2.5: <1μm/m3

-PM10: <1μm/m3

-VOC: <2 (échelle 0-10)

-NO : 0 (échelle 0-10)

-CH2O <0.0001mg/m3




Données externes après 2h de fonctionnement chambre ouverte (ABS):

-PM2.5: 6 μm/m3

-PM10: <1μm/m3

-VOC: 7 (échelle 0-10)

-NO : 1 (échelle 0-10)

-CH2O <0.02mg/m3


Question of the price; Some will see this rather high price: There are two types of filters: Filters with carbon cartridge, and without. The cartridge models split the HEPA function and the activated carbon system. The others have only a fine impregnated fabric. The carbon filtration mechanism depends on the absorption surface, therefore on the granulosity and the volume. A professional filter of equivalent capacity costs between 30-40% more, not counting refills between 200 and 600% more! The high capacity of the CF80 allows effective filtration over a long period of time, and with a refill cost of less than 20 Euros

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